Monday, August 29, 2005

Books for Studying Religion

Claire Asks:

I am getting into religion and could you suggest any books to read for the study not the practice of religions? Any good survery books or something?

Dear Claire,

Thanks for your question! I think that it would help me to know a little bit better what about religions you'd like to study, and from what angle you'd like to approach religion. However, a few books come to mind:

The Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade

The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (Haven't read, but know it's a classic)

Religious Autobiographies by Gary Comstock

Her Voice, Her Faith: Women Speak on World Religions by Arvind Sharma (I haven't read this, but it looks like a good overview)

Finally, this book is more about a personal search for the religion that suits you best, but it might be also be interesting as a kind of overview, since it's got several different ways of looking at religious experience (I liked it a lot).

Finding your Religion by Scott McClellan

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